Chesapeake Bay Trust

Special Fall 2014 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Annapolis, MD

For the 2014-2017 Bay Restoration Communications & Education Strategy project

Spring 2013 Grants

Spring 2012 Grants

Chesapeake Bay Program


Annapolis, MD

Project support for its 2011-2014 Capacity Building Initiative (CBI) to support direct technical and organizational training, expanded organizational and programmatic evaluation, one on one mentoring, peer to peer learning, and programmatic capacity building specific to the WIP.

Spring 2011 Grants

Promoting Policies and Practices for Sustainability


Annapolis, Maryland

to continue work to track stormwater advocacy for the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network, including EPA’s national stormwater rulemaking, national and regional efforts to coordinate smart growth and stormwater advocacy, and various regional stormwater initiatives.

Summer 2010 Grants

Promoting Policies and Practices for Sustainability


Annapolis, Maryland

to secure a consultant to organize and facilitate a Bay wide convening of storm water advocates to identify and prioritize storm water policy campaigns and initiatives over a three year period.

Spring 2009 Grants

Preserving Our Natural Heritage: Mid Atlantic Land Estuaries and Coastal Bays


Annapolis, Maryland
to support work in building the capacity of watershed organizations that protect and restore Chesapeake Bay resources through the Capacity Building Initiative of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network (CBFN).